Strength in numbers

Strength in numbers

We have recently found a useful source of business contacts from which you may benefit. It was suggested to us by the telephone engineer who put in our new telephones and intercom. It is called Business Network International (BNI). It is a group of business owners who...

Congratulations, Deborah!

We are also delighted to announce that our staff member Deborah has now passed her advanced Quick Books examination and her Free Agent examination. Free Agent have confirmed that we may now call her a Free Agent Expert, and Quick Books have confirmed that she is a...
We are a Free Agent Partner

We are a Free Agent Partner

We are delighted to announce that, as of February 2018, we have achieved Free Agent Partner status. You may, if you’ve just started out in business, have been offered Free Agent software for free by your bank. If you have, we suggest you may like to get in touch with...
General Data Protection Regulation

General Data Protection Regulation

I was recently having a chat with one of our clients, and one matter that came up in the conversation is how unfortunate it is that we in Britain seem to take everything so very literally. For example, when the European Union made a law that the greengrocers of this...
We are a Free Agent Partner

Never stop giving

I am very concerned about what I see in the media about charities like Oxfam. I am not going to stop watching movies because of Harvey Weinstein. Similarly, I am not going to stop giving to charity because of badly behaved individuals working in the charity sector. I...